Seriously the best way to eat artichokes ever. I don’t say this lightly. Stuffed artichokes are really, truly good.

What Are the Ingredients in Baked Stuffed Artichokes?

It’s somewhat obvious why when you look at the ingredients. Artichokes are a wonder food in and of themselves. Pull back the leaves (petals actually) and stuff them with herby, garlicky Parmesan breadcrumbs, and drizzle with olive oil? Wow.

How To Prepare Baked Stuffed Artichokes

There is no pre-steaming of the artichokes in this recipe. You just trim the leaves, slice off the top, scoop out and discard the choke, and then stuff the leaves with the breadcrumb mixture. Put them into a pot with water, lemon, and garlic, then cover and bake until you can easily pull the leaves off. Covering the dish while baking essentially steams the artichoke with the stuffing in it!

How To Serve Baked Stuffed Artichokes

No need for a dip. The stuffing sticks to the leaves where a dip would normally go and you eat it the same way. So good! It’s the perfect appetizer for a spring gathering or luxurious meal in itself.

Choosing the Right Artichoke

This recipe works best with medium-to-large, fresh, in-season artichokes. Here’s what to look for:

Heavy: The artichokes should feel heavy when you hold them. If they’re light, that’s a sign that they are a little dried out and probably tough.Squeak: When you hold a fresh artichoke, the leaves squeak when you squeeze them.Closed, not flayed open, leaves: If an artichoke has leaves that are wide open, that’s a sign that the artichoke may be on the old side and may be tough. If it’s still heavy, you’re okay, but if not, look for an artichoke where the leaves are more closed with just a little separation.In season: The main season for artichokes is in the spring (March and April). There is a smaller, second season in the fall (October). Buy artichokes when they are in season and you’ll have a better chance of getting one that is fresh and not dried out or tough.

Cut 1 inch from the top of the artichoke. (It helps to use a serrated knife like a bread knife for this.) Take a slice of lemon and rub over the cut edges of the artichokes to keep them from turning brown. Note that removing the choke at this stage isn’t entirely necessarily, and it does require some elbow grease. That said, it makes eating the stuffed artichoke a much easier, and more enjoyable experience. Place artichokes on a sheet pan (to catch the breadcrumbs) and start stuffing the artichoke with your stuffing mix. Put some stuffing mix between each large leaf and the artichoke, as well as a generous amount in the center. Place the artichokes sitting upright in the water. Drizzle with remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Cover the pot tightly with a lid. (Remember to cover the dish or this method will not work!) Bake for 1 hour at 375°F (190°C), or until a knife easily penetrates the heart of the artichoke or you can easily remove one of the outer petals. (Depending on the size of the artichoke baking time can vary from 50 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or longer.) Remove the cover and broil for a minute or so, enough to get some browning on the top of the stuffing. Remove artichokes to a serving dish to serve. The Parmesan adds a good amount of saltiness, but if you prefer more salt, add more to taste.