Actually, I’ve known the name of it for a while — chayote. One sees chayote often in Mexican markets out here, and Whole Foods carries them. But it wasn’t until a friend thrust one into my hand with the challenge “it’s good, I’d love to see what you make with it” that I actually set out to cook one. Chayotes, also known as “vegetable pears”, are related to zucchini, cucumber, and melons, and in a way, taste like a combination of all three.

How To Cook Chayote

Chayotes are a staple of Mexico and Costa Rica, are high in vitamin C, low in calories, and are a good source of fiber. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and like zucchini, fried, baked, broiled, sautéed, steamed, or mashed. The following recipe is based on one from Diana Kennedy, who so often comes to the rescue when one is contemplating a Mexican ingredient. The dish reminds me of my mother’s summer zucchini, which is sautéed with onions and tomatoes, and served with cheese melted in. Like zucchini, the mild chayote is a lovely backdrop for the more flavorful ingredients. Do you have a favorite chayote recipe? If so, please let us know about it in the comments.

Merliton or mirliton (U.S. South, especially in Louisiana)Huisquil (Guatemala)Christophene (Caribbean)Choko (Australia)

Smooth Vs. Spiky Chayote

There are many varieties of chayote, and any will work in this recipe. Most of the chayote you find in the store or the farmers market will have smooth skin with ridges. Some varieties are spiky. While the skin of both types is technically edible when the squash is young and tender, we peel the skin for this recipe.

Tips for Cleaning and Peeling Chayote

Use a peeler made with carbon steel; they maintain their sharp edge.If the chayote is a little slimy, peeling it under running water can counteract its slipperiness.Partially steam or boil chayote before peeling if the skin is particularly tough.For prickly chayote, wear gloves.Cut the squash into wedges along the folds and then peel the wedges.

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Add the tomato mixture, red chile flakes, and continue to cook 3 minutes more. Add the chopped cilantro and cook for 5 minutes more. The chayote should be just tender, moist but not watery.