It is quick, simple to make, and no marination is needed. Enjoy these easy oven-baked drumsticks with another side dish of choice, serve it with this creamy pasta salad, sauteed peas or watermelon feta salad. All you need to make these easy-baked chicken drumsticks are a handful of pantry staple spices. This chicken drumstick doesn’t require marinating. All you need do is gather the 5 core ingredients together, mix and rub it on the chicken then bake in the oven. You can either choose to bake (roast) or grill, whatever you choose to do with these chicken drumsticks, you can never go wrong. I am not a lover of chicken skin, but I make an exception when I make these dry rub chicken drumsticks or chicken wings. My family loved and happily ate these chicken legs. It is just beautiful. Juicy, tender, and flavor-packed. Let me show you how to make it in simple steps.

Why I Love This Recipe

It is quick and simple to make and with just five key ingredients, what’s not to love?You don’t need to marinate these chicken drumsticks and that makes it a perfect dinner recipe the whole family would love. This recipe is oil-free, it is healthy because it is oven-baked. Do you own an air fryer? cool as this chicken cooks faster in the little gadget than it would in the oven. Cook on 180C/365F for 30 minutes Check my air-fried honey soy drumsticks for inspiration.

The Best Chicken Drumsticks Marinade Ingredients Ever

Trust the ingredients below with your chicken drumsticks and thank me later. This dry spice rub would work for other chicken parts as well, you might need to adjust the recipe to accommodate the size of chicken you will be using Paprika: I used smoked paprika but you can also use any other type of paprika you have at hand Mixed herbs: substitute with Italian seasoning or herbs de Provence. Onion powder Chilli powder Salt and freshly ground black pepper Garlic powder Cayenne pepper for that extra kick.

How To Make Easy Oven-baked Chicken Drumsticks recipe

This is a simple 3 steps recipe Preheat the oven at 200C/400F To a small mixing bowl, combine smoked paprika, mixed herbs, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper, then mix together. Coat chicken drumsticks with the dry rub when you are to bake. Arrange the drumsticks on a baking rack in a single layer over a baking sheet, spray with cooking spray/ olive oil. Alternatively, arrange on a lined baking tray with an aluminium foil or parchment paper. And bake to perfection. i.e until golden brown and no longer pink in the middle. Serve and enjoy with other sides of choice.

How Long To Bake Chicken Drumsticks At 375

Typically, drumsticks bake in the oven quicker than any other parts of the chicken. More importantly, the size of the chicken determines how long you bake the chicken. Also, the type of oven used would also play a factor in how long your chicken would bake for. Bake these chicken drumsticks at a high temperature of 375F/190C between 35 to 45 minutes. Bake the chicken for 20 minutes then flip sides and continue baking for another 15 to 25 minutes (this step is optional as you can cook chicken drumstick in the oven without the need to flip it). Alternatively, cook chicken legs according to the instruction on the packet. No matter how long you decide to bake your chicken for, ensure that it is cooked through and no longer pink. Check for the doneness of the chicken by opening one up and if it no longer pink and clear water runs through it, then it is cooked. You can also use a meat thermometer and the internal chicken temperature should read 165F/74C

Watch how to make it

What To Serve With Chicken Drumsticks?

These are my favorite ways of serving these delicious, juicy, and flavorful chicken legs. I pair them with this simple spicy couscous (Recipe coming soon) Crispy Baked Wedges Stovetop Broccoli Roasted Potatoes Easy Stovetop mac and cheese

How to store

This recipe is great for meal prep and will remain fresh in the fridge for up to 3 days. In the fridge: make sure the chicken is completely cooled before transferring it to an airtight container and store in the fridge for up to 3 days. To reheat: simply warm in the microwave for a few seconds, alternatively reheat in the oven at 180C/365F until warm to liking.

Other Recipes On The Blog

Lemon Garlic Pasta Recipe Simple Roast Chicken If you made this easy oven baked chicken drumsticks recipe, don’t forget to leave me feedback. Tag me @thedinnerbite on Instagram and save away to your Pinterest This recipe was originally published in September 2019. It has now been updated with new photos and video. A slight adjustment was made to the recipe to make it sugar free.

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