Did you know that mint jelly is not really green? It isn’t. It’s golden colored in its natural state. That green stuff you see in the stores is just food coloring. Here’s a straightforward recipe for making your own, using the pectin from fresh tart apples as a jelling base. Because the apples are providing natural pectin, we won’t need to add any commercial pectin to the jelly. Wash the lids and rings in hot, soapy water. After a few hours about 4 cups of juice should have strained out of the mash. Continue to boil until a digital thermometershows that the temperature has reached 8-10°F above the boiling point at your altitude (boiling point is 212°F at sea level, so at sea level the temperature should read 220-222°F). Additional time needed for cooking can be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or longer, depending on the amount of water, sugar, and apple pectin in the mix. Makes approximately 4 (8-ounce) jars. Once cool, refrigerate unsealed jars for up to 6 months.