My friends, this cookie is a thick and chewy oatmeal cookie with oats, chocolate chips, and pecans (because they go so well with chocolate). It is the best of an oatmeal cookie and chocolate chip cookie combined! Every bite is filled with something wonderful. This cookie is like the plain Jane chocolate chip cookie who wanted something more with her life, and then went out and got it.

The Secret Ingredient for Great Cookies

The secret ingredient? (Among so many, what to choose?) Brown butter. Have you ever made brown butter? Think of the most buttery taste imaginable, and then multiply it by ten. That’s brown butter.

How to Make Brown Butter

Brown butter is easy to make! It takes about ten minutes on the stovetop over medium heat, and is so worth it. The butter foams up, browned bits start to form at the bottom, and it starts to give off a nutty aroma. You will taste the difference. Brown butter has a super buttery and nutty flavor from the browned bits. Just watch it so the butter doesn’t burn, or you’ll have blackened butter, not browned butter, which you won’t want to use in this recipe.

What Kind of Oats Work in This Recipe?

We use Quaker Old Fashioned rolled oats for these cookies, but quick oats will work, too. Just don’t use steel-cut or instant oats.

What Add-Ins Work With These Cookies?

The real variable in this oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe is the shredded coconut. It’s just there for texture. If you add a cup of sweetened shredded coconut to the mix, the cookies will be chewier. You can easily leave it out. Or try some with it, and some without, to see which cookie you like better. You can also add dried cranberries, raisins, or swap the pecans for walnuts.

How to Make-Ahead and Freeze

The dough can be prepped and stored in the fridge up to a day and a half before baking. Once baked, they will keep for 3-5 days in an airtight container. To freeze dough, scoop out cookie-size portions on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Freeze until solid, remove from the sheet, and transfer to a freezer-safe zip-top bag until ready to bake. Just add on an extra minute or two to the bake time.

More Fabulous Oatmeal and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Oatmeal Raisin Cookies Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies Grandma’s Oatmeal Cookies Oatmeal Lace Cookies Chocolate Chip Cookies

Heat on medium. Melt the butter, whisking so that the butter melts evenly. Continue to cook the butter. As it cooks, the butter will foam up, and then the foam will subside. Whisk frequently to check underneath the bubbly surface. At some point, browned bits will form at the bottom of the pan and the butter will begin to smell nutty. Watch carefully—it’s easy for the butter to go from browned to burnt. When the browned bits begin to form, remove the pan from the heat. Pour the melted butter, with the browned bits, into a glass or metal bowl. Allow to cool a bit while you prepare the other ingredients. Add the eggs and vanilla. Beat for 3 more minutes on medium speed until smooth and light. Stir in 2 tablespoons of water (note that if you are using jumbo eggs, and not large eggs as the recipe calls for, you will probably not need this much extra liquid.) Up to this point you can make the dough up to a day and a half ahead and store in the refrigerator. They will continue to be soft until completely cooled. Once completely cooled, store in an airtight container for 3 to 5 days.