I make pasta meals at least a couple of times a week.  Good old spag bol appears on the menu most weeks, and then there’s usually some kind of variation with salmon or chicken.  I like to throw in whatever I’ve got lying around at the time - maybe some chorizo, or crispy bacon.  Sometimes cream or chillies. I’m slightly constrained at the moment since I’m trying to lose a few pounds, so I’ve been looking at other ways of getting in a flavour punch without going over-the-top on the naughty additions. Cue the scorched vegetables! Initially I was just going to add some scorched peppers, but then I noticed we had quite an abundance of cherry tomatoes in the fridge. I considered roasting them in the oven, but really couldn’t be bothered to wait the hour or more it’d take to cook them I’m not a fan of regular grilled tomatoes (does anyone else think they just end up tasting like warm mush? eugh). So I sprinkled on some garlic salt, a little salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar before grilling them. Soooo much better than your average grilled tomato! It worked out great as a Slimming World meal for me and Chris, and the kids loved it too.  Oh by the way, I lost 2lbs this week yay! Got my half stone award sticker!!  It’s ridiculous how excited I got over a sticker. It’s like I’m 5 all over again.

Considering I went out for my brother-in-laws birthday meal and went to a wedding last week I can’t believe I lost anything! Apart from those slight diversions from the plan, I’ve been doing pretty well.  I am really missing cake though. and big thick slices of soft white bread with butter on. and Krispy Kreme donuts. and not eating all the garlic bread in this picture (I had a slice as part of my ‘syn’ allowance, but could probably have eaten 5 more if pushed…)

I’ve got to face facts that I’m never going to be lithe and athletic, but at least with meals like this I can thoroughly enjoy my dinner and get into my skinny jeans 🙂 Try serving this with my homemade pasta, its delicious and easier to make than you might think!

The Tagliatelle with Scorched Veg and Roast Chicken Recipe:

< p style=“text-align: center;">Nutritional Information from Calorie Count per serving (Recipe makes 4 servings)

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